Useful links
Have you ever tried to find the information relevant to your business on the internet but got “stuck” in avalanche of unnecessary and irrelevant information? We all know the answer to this question. Meeting the expectations of our clients, we have included useful links recommended by out accountants.
Companies House official website. Useful website, where you can find the information about any Limited company registered in UK, names of Directors, registered office address, download annual financial statements and other for free. It comes in handy if you want to verify the details of the potential business partner or the company that owes you money
HMRC online chat
Access to HMRC consultants via live chat. Reduces significantly time taken to get hold of HMRC in comparison to traditional approach by phone.
Please Press 1
Very practical website designed to cut down on time spent trying get through the switchboard of call centres. Simply, dial the phone number and the website displays every possible external numbers. It enables you to stir quickly from option to sub-option without having to hear the voice commands. The page covers most of the UK call centres’ numbers including HMRC
HMRC Rates & thresholds
Always up to date info regarding income tax rates, National Insurance Contributions, SSP, Maternity pay and others.
Money Claim Online
Small claims court for claims of up to £10,000. You can pursue your debt reasonably cheap and quickly
Paying HMRC on line
Extremely useful website, which enables to pay any outstanding liability to HMRC using credit or debit card. The payment taken online is being recognised in the real time and debt disrepairs from HMRC records instantly. Comes in handy, when making a payment close to a deadline expiry time, where failure to pay on time normally triggers the penalty
Citizens Advice Bureau
Independent charity where the public can obtain free, confidential information and advice on range of civil, consumer and legal matters. The address of the nearest office can be found on the website.
British Polish Chamber of Commerce
VIES VAT number validation
Enables to verify any VAT number of any company register within European Union.
Companies House forms to downoad
AA01 - Change your company accounting reference date
AA02 - File dormant accounts
AR01 - File an annual return
AD01 - Change a company's registered office address
AP01 - Appoint a director
AP02 - Appoint a corporate director
CH01 - Change the details of a director
CH02 - Change the details of a corporate director
DS01 - Strike off a company from the register
DS02 - Withdraw a striking off application by company
IN01 - Register a private or public company
TM01 - Terminate an appointment of a director
Notice of a special resolution on change of name
Notice of a written special resolution on change of name
HMRC forms to download
64-8 Tax agents and advisers: authorising your agent
CWF1 - Register for and file your Self Assessment tax return
CA561 - National Insurance: application to pay self-employed National Insurance contributions by Direct Debit
New starter checklist
P46(Car) - PAYE: car provided to employee for private use
VAT1 - VAT retistration
VAT2 - VAT registration (Partnership)
VAT7 - VAT de-registration
More HMRC forms
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